Generation Precarious

Precarious jobs and unemployment are currently a European-wide phenomena and the working conditions of the EU-labor market are constantly deteriorating. For people under 30 the unemployment rate reaches as high as 40 %. After schooling there´s often no perspective to find a job.

Our transnational youth exchange we discussed about realities of precarious labor conditions in different countries and the discriminations that go along with it. Together with our participants from Portugal, Austria and Germany we especially focussed on approaches of how to deal with and overcome these pecarious situations. Which different stuggles are connected with the issue of precarious labour (gender, migration)? Which organisations are active in that field? How could a collective struggle to improve our labor conditions look like?
In this week we had an intensive exchange about these topics, as well as excursions to action-groups and labor-unions in Berlin.

Dates of the workshop: 10.-18. September 2011
Venue: KuBiZ, Berlin (Weissen-see), Germany
Target group: People from Austria, Portugal and Germany with interest in the topic, between 18 and 30 years old (older people can apply as teamer)
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