Veranstaltungreihe "Rassismus entgegentreten! Mit interaktiven Methoden politischer Bildungsarbeit"

The ongoing migration to Europe and Germany poses many challenges to our societies, inspecially to civil society actors. A lot of initiatives, that have been supporting the large number of refugees arriving here since the summer of 2015, are working at the limits of their capacities.
At the same time AfD, Pegida and Co. are blatantly expressing racist attitudes, which have become more and more socially accepted – showing that these attitudes are not just articulated by a small ring-wing minority, but rooted in the middle of society. Thus, a critique of racism and xenophobia, that’s present in daily life, is more urgently required than ever. This is what we want to address.

With these 6 seminars solar e.V. is continuing it’s local involvement in the field of political education. The target group of our courses are multipliers in youth/adult education as well as people, who are supporting refugees and migrants.
We want to sensitise for the multiple causes of flight and migration as well as for the different manifestations and dimensions of discrimination, domination and exclusion in our society and our everyday lives. In the seminars we’re going to work on the following topics with non-formal educational methods: Anti-Bias and intersectionality in political education, critical whiteness methods, new forms of racism (‘cultural racism’), getting active against racism.

Dates: 27th February – 26th November 2016
Funded by: Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit Berlin

You can find educational material and links from our workshops in the ‘resources‘-section of this website (partly in German, partly in English).