Play Minosia – Groups wanted in Berlin
This Text is only available in German Language.This Text is only available in German Language.This Text is only available in German Language.This Text is only available in German Language.Weiterlesen
Bernkasteler Str. 78, 13088 Berlin | E-mail: | Tel.: (+49) 030 912 05 469
This Text is only available in German Language.This Text is only available in German Language.This Text is only available in German Language.This Text is only available in German Language.Weiterlesen
“Several KuBiZ” projects have recently published their views on the current conflict about the eviction of a flat. Our collective is active within the associations OBUK e.V. and solar e.V. and the conference and seminar house tagungswerk. We want to comment on this because we did not co-author and support this KuBiZ statement, but have been approached from many sides about the conflict and the numerous controversial discussions. We have not been part of the “self-administration” in the highly fragmented KuBiZ project, which is suffering from processes of domination, bullying and othering, for some years now. Not because we don’t like self-administration, but because weWeiterlesen
We are happy to announce that solar e.V. is part of the European project “If I were in your shoes. The transformational power of good practice in larping”. All partners apply live role playing and related practices in informal and/ or formal contexts to provide a unique immersive experience for trainers and staff of the participating organisations. This is inclusive and holistic performative practice can be applied to a broad range of topics such as peace-building, migration, democracy, etc. Enabled by the Erasmus+ partnership program, we intend to explore and exchange best-practice examples in terms of facilitation and content from the five international partners inWeiterlesen
After three years of project “In the footsteps of a migrant”, the time has finally come and our big EduLARP-toolkit Minosia Labyrinth is online. Not everything is 100% finished yet and we are still working on correcting minor errors that have crept into the production process and are now reported back to us, but basically it is done and Minosia is now ready for free use! On the website you can view and download all country versions developed within the project as well as the common European toolkit version. Everything is licensed under Creative Commons license for open use! On the website it isWeiterlesen
Unser Bildungskollektiv sucht ab sofort Verstärkung durch Mitarbeitende im Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD) in der politischen Bildungsarbeit. Wir freuen uns insbesondere über Bewerbungen von Menschen mit Flucht- und/oder Migrationserfahrungen bzw. negativ von Rassismus betroffenen Personen und Nicht-Cis-männlichen* Personen. Du wirst vor allem zu den Themen Migration, Flucht & Rassismus in unserem aktuellen Projekt Minosia Labyrinth mitarbeiten. Die weiteren thematischen Schwerpunkte unserer Arbeit sind Globales Lernen, Ernährung, Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz. Auf unserer Homepage kannst du dir auch anhand unserer bereits abgeschlossener Projekte einen Überblick über unsere Arbeit verschaffen. Wir bieten: Einblicke und Mitarbeit bei den administrativen Aufgaben des Vereins und ins Projektmanagement Mitarbeit bei der Konzeption, Entwicklung undWeiterlesen
First of September solar e.V. started a 3-year project to develop and testing a new educational tool in the topic-field of migration and inclusion. The partners of the consortium are: solar e.V., Deutschland (Koordinator) Stichting Refugee Company, Niederlande ASOCIATIA A.R.T. FUSION, Rumanien SOCIETA’ COOPERATIVA SOCIALE CAMELOT A R.L., Italien The project is a strategic partneship project in the frame of the educational programme Erasmus+ der Europäischen Kommission. We will update the infromations on this project frequently. The international project-website informs as well multilingual about the project. Context/background: Migration – and the situation of refugees in particular – is a hot topic in public debates allWeiterlesen
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