Millions of people are on the move worldwide as a result of war, discrimination, social inequality, climate change and economic deprivation in the hope to find a better future elsewhere. At the same time there is no clear European strategy helping to deal with those problems fostered by the “global north”, but a policy of fighting refugees by closing and militarizing borders and transit countries and criminalizing rescue helpers at sea. The refugees who manage to enter the European Union are confronted with tightened laws, with the demoralizing & protracting procedure for granting the right of asylum, with social exclusion, racism and stereotypes. Additional theWeiterlesen

Veranstaltungreihe "Rassismus entgegentreten! Mit interaktiven Methoden politischer Bildungsarbeit"

The ongoing migration to Europe and Germany poses many challenges to our societies, inspecially to civil society actors. A lot of initiatives, that have been supporting the large number of refugees arriving here since the summer of 2015, are working at the limits of their capacities. At the same time AfD, Pegida and Co. are blatantly expressing racist attitudes, which have become more and more socially accepted – showing that these attitudes are not just articulated by a small ring-wing minority, but rooted in the middle of society. Thus, a critique of racism and xenophobia, that’s present in daily life, is more urgently required thanWeiterlesen

migration & inclusion training course 2016

About the project Migration – and especially the situation of refugees – is one of the main topics in public opinion all over Europe. Images of shipwrecked people dying or being rescued in the Mediterranean, people crossing borders in the Balkan countries or trying to cross the channel-tunnel to Britain are day by day in the news. Millions of people worldwide are on the move as a result of war, discrimination, social inequality and economic deprival in the hope to find a better future elsewhere. But there is still no clear European strategy helping to deal with the problems faced by those people, except forWeiterlesen

Willkommenskulturen stärken

In the previous months a lot of citizens got actively involved in supporting refugees who just arrived here in Berlin. But not all supporters already have lots of experience in working with refugees. Sometimes irritations and unintentionally difficult situations occur. Experience in dealing with people, who are often traumatized by war, expulsion and flight, and a critical awareness of racist stereotypes and structures in our society and our own thinking are of great significance for working with migrants. This six-part series of seminars, that took place from September to November 2015, was addressed to people who work with migrants and refugees or who want toWeiterlesen

Solar e.V. organized a seminar about intercultural issues from 7.-16.2.2014 in Berlin. All the participants in the training were from the partner organizations in Germany, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Turkey. One of the topics was to learn from other countries and cultures and as well plan future activities and projects with each other. The seminar included excursions to different organizations in Berlin which work in the field of intercultural issues and social development. We had also lectures about the anthropological side of transcultural theories and we tried out different kinds of educational methods about intercultural interaction. The variety of different cultures in ourWeiterlesen