Reader "Methods of antiracist education"

For this workshop we invited people from Germany, Portugal, Austria and Turkey, who are active in the field of youth and adult education and who were interested in deepening their knowledge about and developing methods of antiracist education as well as in training their practical skills as facilitators. In our ten-days programme we focused on concrete steps how to develop a greater awareness of exclusion, discrimination and racism amongst youth and young people. In addition to solely studying issues of discrimination on a theoretical level, our intention was to train the trainers in a practical sense, so they are able to intervene effectively in everydayWeiterlesen

Migration - a European Challenge

Through globalization, the internet and affordable ways of traveling the world has become very accessible for a lot of people. Never before EU citizens travelled as much as today. On the other side of the coin there are many “involuntary travelers” in many places of the world. People who leave their homes searching for places that can offer them better chances. Current statistics from the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) count 43 millions of refugees. In our workshop “Migration – a European Challenge” we took a closer look at this discrepancy by pointing out our life situations in Europe on the one handWeiterlesen