Together against Homophobia & Sexism in Europe
international training | 22. – 30.03.2014 in BerlinWeiterlesen
Bernkasteler Str. 78, 13088 Berlin | E-mail: | Tel.: (+49) 030 912 05 469
international training | 22. – 30.03.2014 in BerlinWeiterlesen
international training | 08. – 15.02.2014 in BerlinWeiterlesen
With the youth neighborhood TV project “watch out”, solar e.V. offered young people and young adults a framework for implementing their own neighborhood TV project in 2009-2011. “What’s up in the Berlin northeast? What moves you and what do you want to move? We’ll find out about it together and talk about it.” That was the motto of “watch out”. The result was a series of small video projects that you can view on the project website … The project has been closed.Weiterlesen