Results “Fostering young people in rural areas”
The Training course project “Foster Young Life in Rural Areas” took place in 2023 and 2024 in Italy and Germany. Our aim was to explore and specify the topic of rural life from the point of view of the younger generation. With regard to changes of economic and agricultural systems, a strong exodus from the countryside to cities, and a subsequent dying-out of villages, the project team wanted to evaluate the current situation in remote mountain regions in three different EU countries, Italy, Austria, and Germany. A special emphasis was put on projects that counter these tendencies, offering social, cultural, environmental and political infrastructure andWeiterlesen
Minosia is online!
After three years of project “In the footsteps of a migrant”, the time has finally come and our big EduLARP-toolkit Minosia Labyrinth is online. Not everything is 100% finished yet and we are still working on correcting minor errors that have crept into the production process and are now reported back to us, but basically it is done and Minosia is now ready for free use! On the website you can view and download all country versions developed within the project as well as the common European toolkit version. Everything is licensed under Creative Commons license for open use! On the website it isWeiterlesen
(Deutsch) “Minosia Labyrinth” kommt bald!
European Edition of Minosia Labyrinth launched! After two years of intensive development work, the time has finally come. The first version of “Minosia Labyrinth” is ready to go! At the end of September, we were able to try out the roleplay and simulation game for the second time in an improved version during a training for instructors on the Dutch island of Ameland. In the next weeks, we will now fix the last few errors and complete the design and then the English-language basic version (European edition) will be finished. At the same time, with our partner organizations in the Netherlands, Italy and Romania, weWeiterlesen
(Deutsch) Best practice Seminarkonzepte aus der Bildungsprojekt “be aware!”
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.Weiterlesen
Antiracist and intersectional critique (only in German)
Here you find a compilation of antiracist and intersectional educational methods, media links and texts.Weiterlesen
The reverse of wealth – Causes of fleeing
What has our lifestyle got to do with the current situation at Europe’s borders? Our clothes, our food, our smartphone – where do they come from, who is producing these goods and who is paying the price for them? We compiled material that documents what’s often not mentioned in the heated debates on migration: that the rich industrial countries themselves established causes of flight and migration, since colonialism. In order to take responsibility we don’t want to confine ourselves to an analysis of what should be done on a general level, but to ask what we can do in our everyday lives to contribute toWeiterlesen
Erasmus+ Fundraising
Download our presentations (PDF): A Guide to Erasmus+ (02/2014) The Logical Framework Approach (06/2014)Weiterlesen
Reader “Methods of Antiracist Education”
Together with participants of our training course on “Antiracist Methods of Political Education” we developed a methods toolbox, which you can download here.Weiterlesen