The European funding program Erasmus+ provides many opportunities for funding and implementing transnational projects in the fields of education, culture, youth and sports. Erasmus+ incorporates previously separated European programs like Grundtvig, Leonardo, Youth in Action and Comenius and Sports. By means of a modular conveying system fundings within the Erasmus+ framework can be better adjusted to the special requirements of the projects.

In different workshops we pointed out the opportunities Erasmus+ is offering especially for small and medium-sized organizations.
To gain and improve knowledge about processes of transnational project development should enable the participants to take first steps towards the realisation of concrete project ideas.

The seminars were addressed to people working in the socio-cultural and education sector in Berlin’s district Pankow. They took place 2013 and 2014 and were organized in cooperation with district office in Pankow.

For more information on Erasmus+ funding, click here.