For this workshop we invited people from Germany, Portugal, Austria and Turkey, who are active in the field of youth and adult education and who were interested in deepening their knowledge about and developing methods of antiracist education as well as in training their practical skills as facilitators.
In our ten-days programme we focused on concrete steps how to develop a greater awareness of exclusion, discrimination and racism amongst youth and young people.
In addition to solely studying issues of discrimination on a theoretical level, our intention was to train the trainers in a practical sense, so they are able to intervene effectively in everyday racist incidents.
In working with the methods we made use of four distinct approaches: trying out the methods in practice, consolidating this with short motivational presentations and discussing them in both small groups and the plenary of all youth workers. One of the main questions was to which extend methods, that were developed in a country-specific setting, can be transferred into another context/country. The discussion also revolved around the question of how to include intersectionality (the critique of multiple forms of discrimination) into anti-racist educational approaches.
To provide some diversion from the rather intensive training course sessions, we made excursions into the city and visited various institutions working in this field.
Dates: 09. – 20. 04.2013
Venue: tagungswerk in KuBiZ, Berlin-Weißensee
With: trainers and youth workers from Germany, Portugal, Austria and Turkey
Suppoted by the Erasmus+ programme „Youth in Action“
Here is the link to our Methods-Toolbox, that was developed in the context of this training.