25 years after the division of Europe and the cold war, Berlin is still a central place of remembrance. This training took place in the week of the 25. anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9th 2014. So we had the chance to visit lots of interesting events in Berlin on this topic and to take a closer and critical look at the culture of remembrance regarding the East/West history in Germany:
Which pedagogical models are adapted in this places of remembrance and events? How is history imparted and communicated? Which perspectives and interpretations are dominant? Which perspectives stay hidden? And after all – how can an emancipatory pedagogical way of remembrance look like?
During the training, we got to know, tried out and evaluated different pedagogical methods, which deal with the history of the European East-West conflict. The activities excursions to GDR-places of remembrance, exchange with contemporary witnesses, Anti-Bias as well as creative biographical work methods about the East-West topic. With this training we wanted to contribute to a constructive dealing with cultures of remembrance and to counteract the still persistent prejudices about ‘East’- and ‘West-Europe’.
Dates: 07. – 14.11.2014
Venue: tagungswerk in KuBiZ, Berlin-Weißensee
Funded by: the Erasmus+ Programme “Youth in Action”
Our projectblog: http://solarev.org.org/eastwest2014/
Photo: Mike via flickr (CC BY-NC-ND)