Solar e.V. offers a broad spectrum of workshops, seminars and meetings. We work as a team of political scientists and teachers. Our range of interests includes ecological questions, democracy and participation, anti-racism and anti-discrimination issues at a local, national and international level. The goal of our political educational work is learning together in an inclusive and pleasant atmosphere. To achieve this we use interactive methods, games, readings, group work, films and excursions etc.
Here is an overview of our past projects:
Antiracism and Migration
- “Be aware! Empowerment in transcultural social and educational work”, series of best-practice seminars and workshops on postcolonial and anti-racist education (Nov. 2017 – Sep. 2018)
- In the footsteps of a migrant (Strategic Partnership)
- “Be aware! Sensibilisierung und Empowerment in interkulturellen Begegnungen” (Nov. 2016 / June 2017), series of local seminars on migration, (post)colonialism and antiracist education, funded by Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Berlin and Engagement Global
- “Rassismus entgegentreten. Mit interaktiven Methoden politischer Bildungsarbeit” (Feb. – Nov. 2016), sixpart series of workshops in Berlin, funded by the Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit Berlin
- “Migration and Inclusion: Chances and Challenges for our Future” (29. Apr. – 08. May 2016 in Berlin, 14. – 23. Oct. 2016 in Amsterdam), transnational training project, in cooperation with our partner organisation Stichting Diversiteitsland (Netherlands)
- “Dealing with Migration. Chances and Challenges for European Youth Work” (23. Nov. – 03. Dec. 2015), transnational training in Berlin, funded by Erasmus+/Youth in Action
- “Willkommenskultur(en) stärken. Bausteine zur Stärkung des Engagements in der Flüchtlingshilfe” (Sept. – Nov. 2015), workshops for multipliers in youth/adult education and for people active in the field of migrant & refugee support, funded by the Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit Berlin
- “Intercultural Learning. Seminar for Intercultural Communication and Competence on Conflict Resolution” (08. – 15. Feb. 2014), international training
- “Methods of Antiracist Education“ (09. – 20. Apr. 2013), international training
- “Migration – A European Challenge“ (08. – 17. March 2013), international training
Cultures of Remembrance
- “Tear down these Walls! Educational Appoaches against Europe’s Past & Present Division“ (04. – 12. March in Berlin, 05. – 12. Sept. 2016 in Bucharest), transnational training project, in cooperation with our partner Asociatia Expeditie in Cultura (Romania)
- “Remembrance of the European East-West conflict. Pedagogical Approaches for dealing with the history and it’s current consequences“ (07. – 14. Nov. 2014), international training
- “Cultural Diversities of Remembrance. Pedagogical Approaches to Deal with the East-West Conflict“ (16. – 23. Nov. 2013), transnational training
- “PrimaKlima Weißensee” – sustainability and climate protection in our neighbourhood (01. Aug. 2017 – 31. July 2019)
- “Climate Change and Political Education“ (29. Jun. – 10. Jul. 2013), international training, funded by the Erasmus+ program ‘Youth in Action’
- “Maintaining our health through sustaistainable food system” (21. – 29. Apr. 2012), international training, supported by the Grundtvig program of the European Union
Other projects
- international vocational training “Including everyone – creative and participatory method-training for the work with different age-groups” (07. – 12. Nov 2016)
- Seminars on how to use Erasmus+ funding for transnational youth- and educational projects (2013, 2014)
- “Together against Homophobia and Sexism in Europe” (22. – 30. March 2014), international training
- “Democracy and Emancipation” (30. March – 07. Apr. 2013), international seminarweek
- “Jewish Life in Berlin“ (22. – 30. Sept. 2012), international workshop
- “Generation Precarious” (10. – 18. Sept. 2011), transnational youth exchange