Interview Stefania – What does inclusion mean?

“Who is a migrant? Is he/she just a person that decides to move from his/her country of origin to another?. Can our experiences also be considered as ‘migration’, even if, as ‘western’ people, we have the privilege of being free to move and go almost wherever we want, without particular restrictions?” These were the main questions we had in our mind when we decided to interview some people on the topic. In order to avoid western-centred description of what migration is, we decided to interview non-italian people, with migrant background. We thought that only who has really experienced migration could tell us what does it mean to live in a country that is not ‘yours’, what are the feelings you have, as a migrant, when locals look at you or talk to you, what is your perception of inclusion.

So we decided to have a walk in the streets of the neighborhood where we live, “Bolognina” in Bologna, and look for people to interview.

Our first idea was to make video interviews, but we understood soon that it was not possible because, already when explaining the idea, people started to tell us about their personal stories of migration and we weren’t able to stop the flow…

We went to the open market of Bolognina, Albani Market, where we met Awais and Said, two sellers living in Italy from 16 years. They are from Pakistan. For them to sell fruit and vegetable at the market is a way to be recognized as “good people”, even if sometimes they feel italian people looking at them in a ‘different’ way.

Said told us that he found his house through a customer of the market. He said that he was lucky because it is not for a foreigner to find a place to rent in Italy.

When we asked them about what is inclusion for them,, they looked at us in a strange way and said “What does inclusion mean?”. They didn’t even know what is the meaning of the word.

Then we met Sara and Andres, two wonderful peruvians, that told us about their love story and their daily lives.

Sara arrived in Bologna 16 years ago, but she was travelling a lot to go to Florence because in Bologna there were no places where peruvian people could meet to party and dance. There she met her husband, Andres. They decided to marry and come to live in Bologna, where they now have 3 children that attend italian schools. Also if they are not Italian, they feel italians, first of all because they were born in Italy.

( To know something more about the issue of citizenship in Italy you can read: ).

Sara affirmed that their children will face the challenge about their future. To be italian, even if you are not, means that you have to create a new way to define your identity.

Sara and Andres work in cleaning. Through their work they managed to buy an house where they now live. They don’t really think about going back to Perù. Maybe when they will be old and their children will be able and free to decide for themselves.

Finally we find the answer to our first question…when we talked to Yasir, a guy from Iraq. He came first to Italy and then continued his long trip to The Netherlands, where he was rejected and sent back to Italy. When we asked him what is migration for him, he just answered us with a smile, saying: “I am a migrant”.

Migration and Inclusion – Chances and Challenges for our Future

Interim project Alex – Youth social participation: feel, think, act!


This project born from the need of activation, motivation and youth participation because of the different situations and impact of the mass media that we are living today.

From Jarit, an association who works with migrants and refugees, we understand that need for action, it must be preceded by an awareness work where people understand from the migration process to the issues of borders.

The project will be developed in two phases:

The first one, a social participation meeting, of two days, where we will awareness raising events, workshops, lectures, meetings…
The second one, is a specific training course about migration law and processes, labor and social care, health support, language training for migrants…


We’ll work non formal education methodology, using different tools, where awareness from own selves becomes into action and social participation.


Sensitize young people in different topics related with migrant processes.
Raising awareness of the current situation and how we can act.
Develop future workgroups about different topics that empower youth participation.


50 participants: First phase.
25 participants: Second phase.


Final evaluation in the meeting.
Final evaluation at the end of the training course (participative and test)
Final evaluation: Have established working groups?


24TH -25TH SEPTEMBER: Social participation meeting:



Interim project Sisilia, Oana, Julia – A suitcase full of memories // A suitcase full of dreams

The workshop „ A suitcase full of memories// a suitcase full of dreams“ was an intensive five day video art workshop taken place in Berlin from the 5th to the 9th of september 2017 with an additional two days final exhibition/ film screening on the 10th and 11th of October during the Berlin cultural festival „ 2 Days Wedding“.

With the help of two artists, youngsters of the Wedding neighborhood produced two short movies where they they themselves created the scripts chose the outfits,did the film shootings and acted in it.

All activities took place in the space of the Berlin house project Prinzenallee 58 (PA 58) in Wedding.

Download the poster
Download the flyer

Goal : Social inclusion through art

The main goal of the project was linked to the theme of “ Migration and Inclusion- Chances and challenges”.

We believe that in order to make social inclusion possible, newcomers and local people (especially children and youngsters) need to get together. Art can play an important role as it is free from language and cultural understanding.

Therefore the goal of the project was to give an open and save space for about eight youngsters of the Soldinger Kiez (neighborhood in Berlin- Wedding) for getting to know each other, for self expression, and to give them chances to experiment with different forms of art. All that regardless their cultural background, their origin or german language skills. Another goal was to give youngsters the opportunity to have a space to reflect on their very own histories, dreams and to express them artistically through the making of a movie.


Methods we used during the workshop consisted of :

Playful group activities ( games- feedback rounds etc.) at the beginning of each day

Artistic mind mapping in order to create impulses and ideas for the movies.

Introduction to filming

Screening of film examples to show in which way the movies could get produced.

Free space to create their very own time to realize the film scripts.

Music for the ambiance

Possibility of dinning together at the end of the workshop


Berliner Tafel: Food donations

Aktionsfund Soldiner Kiez: Money for project

PA 58( House project): Workshop space

Theaterfabrik Berlin : Technician and technical support

Cristina: video artist

Tatjana : stage designer


The workshop was a success.

In the end up to ten youngsters participated greatly during the week and produced two short silent movies of max 2 min. -“ I love you” and “the crying horse”.

We had a two days open exhibition with the constant screening of the movies and with artifacts produced during the workshop.The youngsters were happy with the movies and proudly presented them to their families and friends…

Visitors appreciated the work… & we were exhausted but happy ?

Here some points we would like to discuss

“Target group”:

How to reach the “target group”? And in case the “target group” is heterogenous- how to make them more interested in meeting the “other”?

We tried to reach these youngsters by inviting them via their youth house, living projects and refugee camps ( always in contact with a responsible).But regardless our engagement we were not able to mix youngster from the the different organizations. Although all together ten youngsters participated, they all came from the same camp and already knew each other (which wasn’t bad at all…but nothing intended)

How to label youngsters in a correct and respectful way?

We labeled the youngsters as “ youngsters with and without refugee background”. After a while, it didn’t sound right to us anymore. Is it necessary to label youngsters as youngsters with refugee background and by doing so create an opposition

Interim project David – Non Formal Education Dissemination

Non Formal Education Dissemination


The idea of this project is to introduce non formal education methodologies in the daily work of Doctors of the World – Madrid.

Our daily activity is described according to three groups identified from a human rights perspective:

  1. Right holders, people as subjects of rights.
  2. Responsibilities holders, ngo’s and organizations as owner of responsibilities.
  3. Obligation holders as States, and other actors, as holders of the obligation to ensure full exercise of these rights.

This project its focus on the dissemination of non formal education methodologies working with right holders (peer educators) and responsibilities holders  (volunteers).

It’s interesting to start a week training for peer educators with ice breakers and games to get to know each other. This kind of activities will keep them motivated at the begining of the training and to get to know their colleagues quickly. At the end of this training peer educators will disseminate their knowledge and promote health-enhancing change among their peers.

Not less important is to work with our volunteers their own bias and prejudices. Every year, Doctors of the World Madrid organize a volunteer meeting. This year it will be introduced some non formal education methodologies.


This project will use non formal methods as a tool:

  • To get to know each other in a new training
  • Overcome bias
  1. To encourage cooperation between formal and non-formal education fields into the organization
  2. Raise their awareness on different topics with volunteers .


Peer educators training: Around 35 peer educators. Two different trainings, one for women and another one for men.
Volunteer meeting: Between 15 and 20 volunteers.
–Youngters in schools (still to define)—

Still to define


From June to Sept: Meetings to study how to apply Non-formal education methodologies in the organization.
26 Sept: Participation at the starting session of a peer educators training.
Beggining Oct: Realization of Volunteers meeting. Application of non formal education activities to overcome bias and raise awareness on different topics with volunteers.


Interim project Solar eV – Open summer courses for refugees & migrants: “Social Movements & Migration”

The Concept

In August we (the Berlin educational collective of KuBiZ) organized a series of 6 summer courses in which we wanted to create a space for a mutual exchange on social movements in different countries. The courses were addressed to refugees, migrants and other interested people.

Given the fact that social movements and civil society actors play an important role in fostering social change, we wanted to provide basic information on these actors, their objectives and on the various facets of sub- and counterculture movements in Germany and abroad.

To us it was important that these courses did not to follow the concept of “integration (classes)”, that are basically designed as one-way street with participants being just learners who should adapt to the new social context of their ‘hosting’ country. Instead of this and recurring on a tradition of an education ‘from below’, we wanted to create an open, inclusive and participatory framework for the courses.
Our aim was an exchange of experiences on an equal footing. This also meant for us to include refugees and migrants as facilitators, lecturers and experts – a potential that’s often not been used or that’s often even not recognized by society. By doing this and by making stories from the global south more visible, we also wanted to question and broaden the (very often: eurocentric) view on social movements, migration and social change.

Here’s an overview of our courses:

  • Tue 2.8.2016 | New social movements: Clashes and changes
  • Wed 3.8.2016 | Cultures of Remembrance in comparison
  • Fri 5.8.2016 | Revolutions? The East-German ‘turnaround’ and other experiences
  • Tue 9.8.2016 | German right-wing and xenophobic movements
  • Wed 10.8.2016 | International solidarity: From the 1968s to “Welcome Culture”
  • Thurs 11.8.2016 | International women`s movements

Originally the educational project was designed in a different way. We made an application in last autumn at the state agency for political education of the Berlin-country. The original ideas was to bring an alternative view on politics and German society to the refugees and migrants—communities. It was originally designed in a more one-way teacher-learner environment. First steps to implement this in the migrants-communities and find participants for our seminars (that we originally not organised in the form of a summer-course but spread over several months) failed and we only got less interest. Parallel we tried to critically reflect our approach – that was much coming from the traditional project-design of the typical activities of the state-agency of political education. For this we used as well the outcome of the two transnational course on migration that we organised in November and May. Basically we focused on this topics:

  • Problem 1: There is a problem to reach migrants and refugees because they are much concentrated on their communities, the all-day-live in the shelters and the bureaucratic procedures they go through.
    Conclusion: We should get deeper in the communities and involve people from there.
  • Problem 2: Inclusion should be a process of giving and taking for both sides. Transcultural education means to learn on both sides. From this point of view an educational approach should include migrants-perspectives and involve migrants as much as possible on an equal level.
    Conclusion: We should make use of contacts to people of the migrants communities and make them an offer to develop the program of the courses together and add their knowledge and content to the project.
  • Problem 3: During the normal week migrants have appointments – often spontaneous – at state agencies, language courses etc. It’s hard for them to plan in advance.
    Conclusion: We should select timeframes for our offers that are better fitting, like holiday times. We should concentrate the program to make it more attractive and visible.
  • Problem 4: Political education – as we know it – is something very unknown in many home-countries of refugees and migrants. This makes advertisement and attracting curiosity  more difficult.
    Conclusion: It’s important to involve migrants directly using personal relations/contacts, organisations and networks they are part of. So we tried to involve refugee-self-organising projects, networks and associations/clubs more. As well by offering them the possibility to take part as speakers and/or experts.

The courses in detail

We had some limitation to design the content of the courses because we had to follow the general content-line of the application that we made at the state agency. To get the possibility to involve the migrants’ perspectives stronger we asked them to approve some changes in the concept that they finally agreed on.

Due to our own time-limitations with other projects we came to the conclusion that the school-holiday time should be a good time for our project, because there will be less bureaucratic activities and less language courses running.

  • Tue 2.8.2016 | New social movements: Clashes and changes

We found Samee an political activist, with whom we worked already together during the Seminar in May. He comes from Pakistan and was very interested to collaborate in this project. He informed a friend, an Pakistani journalist working and living in Berlin to join in as well.

They both contributed with a lecture about the newer history of social movements in Pakistan starting from the independency. After the input on new social movements and social change in Germany they focused a lot on showing us the differences between the German and Pakistani society. The army always played an important role in social struggles in Pakistan, mostly on the side of western interests and often influences by cold-war politics (e.g. Afghanistan…) and the conflicts between India and Pakistan (Cashmere).

But there were as well interesting parallels, e.g. in the 1968s with the international students movement influencing Pakistan as well.

It was a pity that the course found only less attraction outside of the organizers circles.

  • Wed 3.8.2016 | Cultures of Remembrance in comparison

The second day of the course found more attention.  In this course we wanted to throw some spotlights on cultures of remembrance in different countries, asking: What is remembered? How is it remembered – and by whom? Whose stories are told, whose remain invisible?

Looking a bit run down and weathered, with a lot of paintings and posters on its walls, Haus Schwarzenberg rather resembles a squat than a memorial site and really stands out from the surrounding houses in Berlin’s hip and gentrified district ‘Mitte’. Apart from artist galleries and workshops, a cinema and a bar, two museums are located here: the Anne Frank Museum and an exhibition commemorating Otto Weidt, a small manufacturer, who employed deaf and blind Jews during the Nazi regime and was able to hide and thus rescue some of them.

We decided to start our course here – and not at a more prominent place like the Holocaust memorial – because we think it reflects both typical and rather untypical aspects of culture of remembrance in Germany, in which the Holocaust still plays a central role: First of all it shows that remembrance is often closely connected to a place – a museum, a memorial or even (as in the case of Otto Weidt’s Workshop for the Blind) an authentic place. What’s also quite typical is that in this place different layers of history, different stories are overlapping: as the stories of Anne Frank, of Otto Weidt … and the stories inspired by yet another historical incident that‘s cited in the legendary name of the ‚free republic of Schwarzenberg‘. The project of “Haus Schwarzenberg” and the Otto Weidt museum were initiated ‘bottom up’ by artists and students. Thus, these projects rather stand in a civil society tradition of telling (counterhegemonic) history from below („Geschichtswerkstätten“ etc.). Although this grassroot history experienced a kind of revival in the aftermath of the 1968‘s students movement, it’s not very widespread in Germany compared to more dominant forms of institutionalized or top-down initiated projects of remembrance. With it‘s multiuse concept Haus Schwarzenberg denies a simple orientation towards l‘art pour l‘art or commercial purposes, but instead (re)connects past and present with a vision of the future and a political message by recurring on examples of active and critical citizenship and resistance.

Afterwards we visited the exhibition „Anne Frank – here and now“, since her story is one of the most widespread testimonies of these times and it is still affecting especially young people. From a didactic perspective it was interesting to see how the exhibition connects the history of both individuals and society and how it builds a bridge between past, present and future by interviewing teenagers on personal and political questions that also Anne Frank raised in her diaries. We got a guided tour through the exhibition – regarding especially our Non-European participants. Some participants were quiet impressed from the exhibition.

After the visit we went together to our seminar-space in Weißensee. The second part of our course was facilitated by Mouhamed, an activist from „Lampedusa in Berlin“ (Guided tour at Oranienplatz). He gave us an intense insight into cultures of remembrance in Niger. By this he also pointed at an aspect that‘s not (very) present in the collective memory in Germany and – compared to the remembrance of the Holocaust – nearly invisible: colonialism and it‘s persistent legacy.

In Niger, colonialism is ever-present until today due to a strong oral tradition. For Mouhamed it was his grandfather who witnessed colonial rule and now passes the memory on to the next generations. While the state seems to have only little interest in supporting a vivid culture of remembrance, it‘s mainly this oral tradition of Niger‘s civil society that‘s keeping the memory alive through storytelling, songs, literature and philosophy – and that‘s refusing to see colonialism as a closed chapter in the history books. „For my grandfather nothing has changed,“ Mouhamed insisted regarding contemporary Niger and the (neo)colonial dependencies between the global south and global north today. These hierarchies might not always be visible for us, since they form the basis of concepts we grew up with and take for granted. Thus, the input also shifted the focus from resistance and civil disobedience we emphasized in the morning session to questions of complicity and the following discussions quickly turned into a critical whiteness lesson, questioning white privilege structures in our everyday lives and thinking.

All in all the course showed that for an emancipatory pedagogy of dealing with the past it’s essential to avoid problematic ways of remembrance (empty rituals, historisation in an „over and done with“-attitude). Instead history constantly reminds us of unresolved problems and questions for our present and future.

  • Fri 5.8.2016 | Revolutions? The East-German ‘turnaround’ and other experiences

Originally we wanted to focus a lot on the East-German history of Stasi and the turnaround and include a grassroot perspective on the movement that managed to abolish the GDR-system.

The former Stasi (State security / Secret Service) of the GDR located in Berlin Lichtenberg is a good starting point for this topic. Because it was a hot-spot for the turnaround, when citizens started to enter the building and took it over from the authorities during the rebellion. Initiatives tried to save the collected data of the security service as historical documents and protected the site against plundering and demolition, when the state-organs failed to protect it. Finally an oppositional group succeeded to build up a museum at the central building, the department of the Minister Erich Mielke. So our idea was to start from this place with a typical guided tour through the Museum and later on going to the invisible perspectives of the turnaround-rebellion. We invited the Taiwanese political Artist Nai Wen Chang to give us an input on her research and work on the migrants community in the GDR and their perspective on 1989/1990s events. She showed some interviews that she made with migrants eye-witnesses, that lead us to an interesting discussion about visible and invisible perspectives and as well the question of revolution itself. This seminar was more visited from east- and southeast mostly European immigrants, that were interested on the German perspective on the Fall of the wall, while refugees were not so interested.

  • Tue 9.8.2016 | German right-wing and xenophobic movements

The aim of this course was to inform and discuss about the German right extremist and right-wing-populist movement. Migrants and especially refugees are up on their agenda, creating fear and uneasiness in the migrants communities. In this situation it is very important from our point of view to inform about the movements and groups, their interests and aims.

We invited an expert to present us the background-informations about the right-scene in Germany, its history and actual situation. Especially we wanted to focus on the new evolutions like Pegida and AFD.

For foreigners (and even a lot of locals) it’s in the beginning very hard, to recognize the right-wing extremists. But at the same time it’s important, especially when we look on the dangerous violence that they address to them. Regarding that we as well discussed how to recognize members of these groups.

In the second part we were widened the view to the current situation in Europe and asked the question how to deal with the rising of right-wing movements in Europe. The seminar found lots of attention especially amongst the inner European-migrants. The attention was much lower than expected and we have been just a small group of eight people joining the seminar. We were wondering about that, because our expectation was, that there would be a big interest for more information about these groups, their background and aims especially from the target groups of their hate-politics. But it was not on that day.

In talks about that there is as well a significant gap between the personal feeling of safety from the refugees and our assumption of danger for them.

  • Wed 10.8.2016 | International solidarity: From the 1968s to “Welcome Culture”

First, an input on the trigger and objectives of the German ‘ 68 Students movement was given. Afterwards biographical examples of resistance were introduced, based on Rudi Dutschke, Ulrike Meinhof and Claudia Roth.

Then animated conversations came about, inter alia, on the causes of the emergence of the RAF and the manner in which the successes of the 68 he student movement still have an impact on the present.

We then made a call Round, in which all participants reported on social movements and charismatic revolutionaries from their countries of origin (and beyond). Interesting examples from Spain, Pakistan, Ghana and France were told. In addition, there was an exchange on philosophers and authors who inspired us politically.

After lunch we went over to the topic “Welcome cultures in Germany”.

Using the method “Meinungsbarometer” (in which all individuals should position themselves at specific issues), there were initial discussions on the review of Welcome cultures in Germany. It was discussed whether the assistance of the state and civil society are sufficient or how these are even paternalistic to the needs of refugees.

Then a person from Pakistan held an input about his personal experience as a refugee with welcome culture structures in Germany. He spoke of his ambivalent feelings, to have received on the one hand a lot of support from the civil society and the feeling on the other hand, to be left alone of institutions and policies. Especially when involving in politics he realized how difficult it is to adapt to the German historical environment and existing power-relations. Refugees and migrants at that point quick get kicked out of their activism, when their behaviour seems to touch sensitive point of German history and politics. He realized, that in that point there is much more overlapping with his Pakistan-experiences that he though before.

At the end of the workshop, a person from Ethiopia introduced the project “the garden  nursery” (as an example of welcoming culture infrastructure), in which, inter alia, refugees can try the organic cultivation of plants and foods, and learn besides this also a lot (for example, the German language).

The  workshop had a very open minded and interested atmosphere of exchange and learning. The group was medium sized with 10 guests from several different origins.

  • Thursday 11.8.2016 | International women`s movements

After the round of introductions initially 2 speakers kept inputs on the history of women’s movements in Germany. Starting with the “proletarian” and “bourgeois“ women’s protests in the 19th century, followed by the 2nd women’s movement in the context of ’68, through to today’s queer feminist currents.

After these presentations we had a conversation / discussion, how the deconstruction of gender (or the softening of the categories “man” and “woman”) possibly could blur the currently still existing patriarchal relations. We agreed in the end, that it still requires FLT shelters.

Then we made with all participants a conversation-round, in which every woman reported on their knowledge of the situation of women * (and women’s movements) in their own countries (and beyond). There were (among others) interesting reports from Switzerland, Spain, Cameroon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Since the quality of the oppression of women in the various countries is very different, we discovered that we are not on the same basis feminist active.

An example: A participant gave in her home country Iraq literacy courses for women, because many families forbid their daughters to go to school or study.  Whereas a participant from Germany discussed in her political group only about the deconstruction of the  categories “man “and” woman“. This appears as a “luxury problem”, compared to the situation of women in other countries.

After lunch we continued with an input especially on the situation of women in Pakistan and Iraq.

Afterwards, a woman told us about feminist self-organization of refugee women in Berlin. She also talked about her book project in which interviews with refugee women were made. She had several copies of this book, which could be bought by the participants.

After this input we had an interesting conversation about racism, privileges and paternalistic, charitable structures by whites against refugees.

In the final round, all participants expressed very positive about the workshop day. Especially the friendly and respectful atmosphere was pointed out. It was perceived as positive that the workshop was only open for women*. Also the reports from the various countries were evaluated as very exciting and the reports of “Woman fights” as inspirational. All participants expressed the desire to stay in contact in the future.

Evaluation of whole project

Looking on the results of this project we had a divided resume. All in all we had a good week with very interesting seminars. We reached all together around 50 migrants and some non-migrants. Some of the courses have been more, some less frequented.

Our concept to put the courses together in two weeks as a kind of academy did not work out so well. Most of the participants appeared only one or two times.

It came out, that it is very important to involve migrants perspectives and speakers from the beginning. Beside the substantially gain we as well could reach more migrants and attract them to participate.

The inclusive setting brought a very comfortable and friendly course-atmosphere. Starting from these point further cooperation should be possible and encouraging.

We learned that it’s important to involve migrants already from the beginning – that means from the application-phase – of an educational project. It is very hard and time intensive to change the setting later, as we did.

Time is still a point of discussion – on the one side “being on time” and as well offering the course at the “right time”. Here is still discussion needed for further projects.

In our follow-up project we made already two changes: First we will involve refugees already in our daily preparation work with the possibility two make an internship in our organisation. This will start in November and will provide more migrants the option to “give and take” with the help of our project. The second is that we will include the cooperation of and with migrants/refugees in the future conceptual in our working-procedures. Not only with the internships but as well on a regular basis when the people have the skills to do so.

Interim project Athanasia – NFE Training for Young Volunteers

Topic and content:

This non formal education training is adressed to young volunteers (17-30 years old) newly involved in the coordination of activities with children 5-15 years old running at refugee camps in Thessaloniki district and elsewhere.

The first part of this 4-hour workshop will focus on activities for getting to know each other and team building activities while the second will introduce the participants to the topic of migration and inclusion through participatory activities on non discrimination, equality, human rights and tolerance.

Pedagogical approach and method:

Non formal education methodology and activities involving the active participation of young volunteers. The first part of every activity will be like a “game” for the participants who in most cases will work in groups, while in the second part of every activity the meaning of the game will be revealed by the participants who, with the coordination of the trainers, will exchange experiences, ideas and feelings on the issues concerned.

Pedagogical goals:

To create a team working in terms of trust and respect

To raise the ability of participants collaborate with each other, expressing themselves to the group on equal terms

To develop understanding on the situation in the camps, getting aware on facts they may ignored before

To motivate participants take initiatives and responsibilities while working with children always in respect to children’s interests and needs

To introduce to participants NFE methodology and educational tools

Target groups:

Young people who newly became volunteers of ANTIGONE and are interested to participate in the volunteers team of ANTIGONE that runs recreational activities for children at the refugee camps (around 20 participants).


The training will be evaluated by participants using NFE fast and inspiring techniques (e.g. the islands or the tree)


The training is going to take place on Wednesday, June 29th from 13.00 to 17.00 at ANTIGONE’s premises.


Proposal interim project David – PreparAction for Intervention


First day in an outreach program can be difficult, fears and insecurity are common feelings between newcomers volunteers. To deal with problems as humman trafficking or difficult situations, new volunteers needs to have enough information, tools and resources.

This training is designed to provide materials, tools, resources and information not only about our programs and situations that we deal with. Furthermore it is necessary to inform about Health Rights, Gender and Human Rights Perspective.


This project will use non formal & formal learning methods.

Through formal methods newcomers will learn:

  • Human Rights perspective
  • Spanish law about prostitution, migrants health rights, health and legal procedures, health centers and local resources to refer, etc.

Non formal education methods:

  • Overcome bias
  • Rol play games to prepared them for real intervention


  1. Prepare new volunteers for outreach intervention:
    • Providing them with information, tools and knowledge about different issues and local resources.
    • Raise volunteers selfconfidence through different strategies and intervention methods
  2. Raise their awareness on issues they are going to face.

Around 25 new volunteers to be trained for outreach intervention

Evaluation form


End August: Non-formal methodologies and games adapated to our training and topics.
Mid-End September: Training with the volunteers

Interim project Astrid – Brasov Multicultural Day (4th edition)

„Brașov Multicultural Day” (4th edition) is dedicated to the Romanian community and the migrants living in the city of Brașov, Romania. The purposes of this event are:

– To educate people about immigration and the difference between refugees and other migrants; to educate people about the advantages of having a multicultural society;

– To contribute to the social and cultural integration of migrants in Romania;

– The promotion of a positive multicultural environment for both migrants and the local community;

– Advocate for diversity, tolerance, mutual understanding, cultural exchange, and humanitarian aid.

– Strengthening the cooperation with the local institutions with attributions in managing migration;

– Strengthening the cooperation with local companies and entrepreneurs for a better economic integration of migrants in the city of Brasov, Romania.

The target groups of our event are:

  • Refugees and other migrants (third country nationals) living in Romania;
  • The local Romanian community;
  • The entire Romanian society;
  • The local government and local leaders;
  • Entrepreneurs, companies, organizations, etc. with a potential to offer work for refugees and other migrants.
  • Embassies;

The event will be structured in three moments:

  1. Artistic program produced by the foreigners in Brașov (the program will contain traditional dances, poetry, presentations, traditional music, traditional costumes parade etc.)
  2. Cultural exhibitions. The cultural exhibitions will be hosted by countries such as: Nigeria, Philippines, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Japan, Dominican Republic, Korea, Republic of Moldova, China, Albania, Belarus, Ukraine, Brazil, Chile/South America, Benin, Tunisia, Algeria, USA, Canada, Iran, Palestine, Jordan, Australia, Cuba, Germany, Romania etc.
  3. Refugee section. In this section there will be:

– A photo exhibition about the refugees’ “trip” from Lesbos to Austria (a photo exhibition done by three Romanian photographers who have followed and photographed a group of refugees in October 2015 from lesbos in Greece to Austria);

– A fashion corner explaining Arabic traditional clothes;

– A relaxation corner where people can see a traditional Syrian room;

– other small activities that draw attention to the today’s refugee plight.

The evaluation will be done before and after the event with the help of local and national media.

Interim project Michele – Young Students Meet Refugees


The project aims at raising awareness on refugee related issues on 17-18 y.o. students leaving in a small town without many opportunities of intercultural exchanges.

Recognizing that Italian youth have a very limited knowledge on refugee related issues, mostly acquired by different kinds of media, but rarely get the chance to meet a refugee and look at each others in the eyes, the project wants to sensitize youth and create meeting opportunities. By facilitating the process of getting-to-know-each-other and sharing information and knowledge, we expect young Italian students to develop a a deeper understanding of problems affecting refugees, as well as acknowledging the similarities connecting people, regardless of their nationality, religion and legal status.

3 classes of about 20 students each are involved in the project, which envisages 4 meetings for every class. The first 2 meetings are designed to provide the students with some basic information about the international refugee crisis and the Italian context. During the last 2 meetings the students have the opportunity to meet a few refugees currently leaving in nearby areas. The students are encouraged to interact with the refugees, asking them questions about their personal life, both in their countries of origin and the receiving countries.

At the end of the meetings the students will collaborate to create a video representing what they have learnt during the workshops and what they want to share with other youth. The video will be indeed posted in social media and be shown at public events.


Considering the target addressed, the project is based on a non formal education approach and the workshops are conducted in a participatory way, in order to actively involve the young students, especially during the sessions envisaging the participation of refugees.

Several methods including role plays and peer-to-peer discussions will be implemented in order to stimulate a debate and a real learning process. Eventually, we will make use of technological tools and software as a powerful instrument to express and share ideas.


The overall awareness raising goal of the project can be split into several minor objectives. We actually wish Italian students to be able to break the wall separating them from the migrants and go beyond the barriers imposed by society. Getting to know refugees and their backgrounds will open up their perspectives and it will make them change their mind in many different ways. We would also like them to be multipliers of the knowledge acquired in their personal contexts (e.g. family, friends…).

On the other hand, the project will foster social inclusion as it will enable refugees to get in contact with locals. That will make it easier for them to feel part of their new society.


Target groups of the project are 60 Italian students aged 17-18 and 5-6 refugees.


After every workshop session there will be time to discuss the methods and the contents and that will provide an immediate feedback from the students.  At the end of the project the teachers will be asked to evaluate the activities with their students.


May 2016 – 4 meetings for every class, once a week.

June 2016 – video making and editing